Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Vegan and Vegetarian

Vegetarian and vegan are two different kinds of diets but have same reasons that for be healthier. A lot of people do not completely understand and know the difference between a vegan and vegetarian diet. 
In dictionary, definition of vegetarians is those people who do not consume meat of any kind but they will eat dairy products and eggs. On other hand, the vegans do not consume any product of animals no matter what the form. Actually, it is so harder to be a vegan than a vegetarian. But we have to appreciate both of these groups because actually they have made changes in their life that makes them healthier, happier, and allows them to live a longer life. Commonly, in a lot of people’s views vegan diet does not seem very exciting. Just eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and beans. In vegan diet, meals that consumed are low in fat and contain little to no cholesterol. Vegans actually able to create a meal that provide all nutrients what they need without using not animal products. The important one lesson that we can get from a vegan diet that it does not have taste good to be good for you. In other ways, vegetarians do not consume meat, fish or poultry, but they able to eat dairy products and eggs.

So, the explaining in above conclude in simply language that vegetarians diet just focus on foods what they consumed, but vegans diet not only on foods, they entirely focus on their life style.

note: I wrote the article above when I got an assignment from my lecture to write a summary by my own word about differences between a vegan dan a vegetarian. I just  want to share it with others so I posted it in this blog (above this note). I'm so sorry if there is wrong or missunderstanding with my english in some words in this article, I'm sorry mister and misis. hehe

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